Monday, January 21, 2008

Samson's Hope

Many of you will hopefully have received or seen the dvd of our trip out to a Karen village. If you have not and would like to receive one please email us at and we will happily send you a copy.

This past weekend saw further advancements in our/your involvement here with the Karen people. We took a bus (3 actually) to Hua Hin a city three provinces away. This is where Samson lives and works. He is from a village at the border of this province. We spent the day with Samson in the bustling (extremely touristy) city. We had asked Samson to write down his ideas for his people so as to further clarify with him what he was hoping to see happen. Samson had done exactly that. He had a page of notes and this proved extremely helpful as we spoke through his hopes and dreams that he has prayed about for the past four years. Samson continues to really impress us as a leader. He consistently shows and speaks wisdom that we feel could only have come from an intimate walk with God. Samson has a diploma in Biblical Studies from a Bible College in Bangkok; he has full Thai identification and can speak five languages. In our many conversations Samson shows strength, determination, passion, softness, boldness, humor, sadness, hope and joy. We have seen humility when he is working with pastors or leaders of various Karen/ Thai churches and have seen those pastors and leaders support him and hand ministry over to him on various occasions. We are feeling such wonder at being brought into this man’s life and the plans that God already has underway.

It is difficult to write succinctly of the amazing hour’s spent in conversation with Samson last Saturday and Sunday. When we had finished we (well at least Colin and I did) felt that we were standing before a towering building of hopes and plans and we were at the base arching our heads upwards to see the top story. We spoke about many scenarios but the following emerged as the most effective.

* A campus on about 10 acres of land (to allow for growth) that would initially house Karen young adults and children. It would be a place where the younger children could be sponsored by people/families (like you) so they would have the opportunity for proper meals, education (school fees and uniform fees), care/mentoring and discipleship. It would also be a place where the young adults could learn leadership and could be discipled and empowered to serve their own people.

This was not a new idea to us, or to Samson. However it was extremely important for us to hear this idea from Samson. We have always wanted this project and any others to be lead by the Karen themselves. It was thrilling to see Samson with his notebook outlining his hopes for a school. Samson has longed to see the above scenario happen for the past few years and so quickly the vision of this particular project was clear. It was time (albeit terrifying) to move on to more practical issues that would step us into seeing this scenario become a reality.

It would be accurate to say that Colin and I (looking upon this towering building of plans) hoped that Samson would begin speaking about building throughout the current year and be ready to accept students April 2009 (the beginning of the school year). But it was not to be. Peaceful but dumbfounded at the enormity of the project for little people like us we embarked on discussion of seeing the school open soon after the new school year in May 2008….this year!

The Connect team has spoken and is in agreement that we will aim for this project to begin NOW! So……

We need you to prayerfully consider the following needs. God’s timing is perfect…and we will rely on the Holy Spirit to stir people’s hearts. If you do not wish to give financially then we would cry out to you for your prayer support. If you do wish to give financially to this project then we would also cry out to you to pray. This is a big project.....but God’s project…. and so we rest in that…but God asks his people to pray!

* We are anticipating that 10 acres of land will cost around $20 000 AUD. We currently have $2000 in the Connect account…so we have started toward this first goal.

* We are not sure (once we have been able to purchase land) how much building materials will cost, but we anticipate another $10 000AUD to build a boys & girls dorm, kitchen, classroom and toilet block. It may not even be that much!

*We need 21 sponsors for 21 students. This would be a commitment of $35 AUD a month. If you are interested in being a sponsor it is necessary to email Connect directly ( with your name and address so that we can be sure you have the account details and that you receive a photo and specifications of your child/young adult. You will be able to write to your student and have your student write back to you. You can come and visit them and be part of their life and future… I am so excited about this I want to sponsor all 21 but I won’t because I will love watching you have that privilege.

*We need volunteers once we have the land…to join with Samson and his team to build a school! So if you would like to spend a few days/weeks or a month with us then book a flight from about March onwards; be sure to send us an email ( and give us your phone number and we will call you and speak with you further. Colin and I have holidays for the month of April so our hope is that this will be a key month for building. (If the other things come into place)

I can’t write everything here, but like I said, I am more than happy to speak further with anyone.

Thank you to many of you for personal support to Colin and I and our family. Samson took the past weekend off work so as to spend his time with us. A gift of money we received from dear friends allowed us to give Samson a gift to cover his time off work. We are truly in partnership with you all.

Samson telephoned us just the other morning and said that he had spoken to many Karen about the possibility of a school being built. He said that they were very excited. Then he said ‘maybe 60 or 70 students next year!’ Ahhhhhh!