Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mary Valley Knitters

We (the Harrison family) leave for Thailand in a week. We are ready and peaceful. Today we went to Mary Valley Wesleyan where we were able to speak about Connect and were given a bag full of jumpers, beanies, booties and blankets to take to the Karen people in Thailand. We will arrive at the beginning of their winter and so these gifts, hand made by loving hands, will be greatly appreciated by Karen living in Bamboo huts in the mountains.

It is overwhelming to us that before we even know the people we will work alongside in the border villages we have gifts to bring them when we first meet. Thank you ladies for your partnership with us.

It seems that I (Ruth) have a teaching job in Phathoram, about an hour east of the Burma border. This will allow us to obtain visas and initial income. It will also allow us to gain our footing in a new country. The contract will mean I work Monday to Friday and so we will head out to the villages on the weekends for the first few months and we will see from there what doors open to us.

It seems often that God shows his children only a little of the path ahead...and for now we know this much....we leave next week and we have a bag full of gifts....God knows the rest....that is enough for us.
Next post from Thailand soil!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Does Connect have a website?

Miss you all!